Background Story
Teri L. Palmer was born in Sunshine, Victoria, in 2001. She was a child that couldn’t ever stand still. She always tried to escape to go on adventures. Her mind was always on the move. As the years went on, she started writing short stories, poems and scripts. She loved writing, but she never believed that she could make a career in following her passion. In 2010, that all changed. Teri dabbled in the art of screenwriting via her great grandfather’s typewriter. She loved the sounds of the click-clacking the keys made as she typed away, loving how the stories she was writing came to life. Her passion for writing grew, and she knew writing was her destiny.
In 2015, Palmer began novel writing. However, the first novel she worked on was a fantasy novel that has developed its own universe but wishes to wait before sharing it with her readers. Teri loves writing fantasy; it’s her passion, so she built her career on that.
Teri L. Palmer is a Fantasy author!
Palmer is a warm, kind-hearted person who loves to hear from her readers. She encourages her readers to contact her through her website or social media for any reason. She welcomes everyone with an open mind and heart.
In 2019, Palmer dropped out of school before year twelve because she realised her passion and went for it. She pursued a Certificate IV course in Professional Writing and Editing at Victoria University to advance her knowledge and skills in the literary arts. During her studies, her passion for writing only grew, however, Palmer also grew to love other forms of the literary arts. Screenwriting, poems, short stories, and the occasionally non fiction writing. She also grew to love editing other’s work, never her own.
Teri is a very spiritual person.
By 2021, Teri realised she and over ninety novels in various stages of completion. She started writing all the ideas she had and she was shocked by how many ideas were stored in her head. She likes to think of her brain being split up into several filing cabinets that store each of her stories.
Teri plans on furthering her studies into other fields that she is most passionate about to advance her knowledge, skills, and experience. Like a course she completed at the start of 2022 a Cert IV in Leadership and Management.
Teri is currently working full time in hardware retail while studying Advance Editing and Publishing. She hopes to take the knowledge from her fresh course to pursue a higher career in the writing industry. Juggling a job, studies and her novel-writing career has been a bit of a challenge, but every day, she rises above the struggles and achieves greatness.
She won’t let anything stop her from where she desires to be.